Monthly Archives: March 2023

Raja Ampat: a week at Black Swiss, Barie, Batanta

The snorkeling at Black Swiss is excellent. If I had to compare it with snorkeling I’ve done everywhere else in the world except Raja Ampat, well, it’d be right up there near the top. However, if I were to redo … Continue reading

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Raja Ampat: a week at Marandan Weser, Batanta

Marandan Weser was the only village we stayed at in Raja Ampat. We ended up having a fantastic week, perhaps our favorite of the six places we stayed. We got to meet some villagers and get a feel for the … Continue reading

Posted in Indonesia, Snorkeling | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Raja Ampat: a week at Dayan, western Batanta

Of our six weeks in Raja Ampat, Dayan had the best snorkeling. It was the only time we snorkeled with manta rays, I had my best cuttlefish encounter at Dayan, and we saw more bumphead parrotfish here than anywhere else. … Continue reading

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