Tag Archives: Bingöl

Skiing road trip: Hesarek, Nemrut (Adıyaman), and on toward Kayseri

After a little more adventure than we bargained for in Erzurum, Seb and I started heading southwest, doing more driving, more sightseeing, and less skiing. We found a pleasant campsite near a creek about 10km east of the provincial capital … Continue reading

Posted in Skiing, Turkey | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Karakoçan to Norşên via Lice and Kulp: swimming holes and soldiers

A lot happened this week. When I read through my notes, at times it seemed like it was all heat and flat tires. Certainly there were too much of both, but we also had jandarma excitement, continued language diversity, some … Continue reading

Posted in Bicycle touring, Turkey | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments