Tag Archives: Erzurum

Selçuk (and Ottoman) monuments in Erzurum (again) and Sivas

I have written about Erzurum a number of times before on this blog so I’ll try to keep it short. Sivas, however, we visited for the first time! Over the years I’ve watched Erzurum lose its edgy soul in the … Continue reading

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Skiing Erzurum: İspir, Konaklı, Çat (and a short? avalanche report)

Warning: there are a lot of details here about our ski day in Çayırbaşı (İspir), as perhaps someone (us?) can learn something from the avalanche we triggered. Seb and I left behind snowy roads and good powder in İkizdere. The … Continue reading

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Skiing road trip: Erzincan, Gümüşhane, Erzurum

Seb decided to join me for this year’s (almost) annual ski trip to the Kaçkar Mountains. Because of covid (and the fact that he owns two cars?), Seb wanted to go by car and make a road trip out of … Continue reading

Posted in Skiing, Turkey | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Five winter days in Kaçkar with İsmet and the Bulgarians

Training for Nepal, part two. I wanted to call this post “skiing in Kaçkar”, and, well, the week started with skiing, but it didn’t end with skiing. I took an overnight bus from Niğde to Erzurum, went straight to the … Continue reading

Posted in Skiing, Trekking, Turkey | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Erzurum, gateway to some of Turkey’s most breath-taking scenery

In order to get from Muş to the Kaçkar Mountains, once again I came through and had to spend the night in Erzurum.  I’ve counted that I’ve been to the city nine times now.  I first came here with Sage … Continue reading

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